This is a photo shot years ago, when I was still using … 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上]海天之间 Between the Sea and the Sky
分类: 最美的风景在路上
[最美的风景在路上]乌镇西栅 West Area of Wuzhen
Wuzhen, one of the most famous historic town in Southen… 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上]乌镇西栅 West Area of Wuzhen
[最美的风景在路上]Squirrel in the forest 小松鼠
In the forest of Mount. Changbai, there are squirrels e… 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上]Squirrel in the forest 小松鼠
[最美的风景在路上]石老人日出 Before Beach Sunrise
This was shot just seconds before the sun rise in the w… 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上]石老人日出 Before Beach Sunrise
[最美的风景在路上]深秋-Forest in Late Autumn
As the weather getting colder, tree leaves are becoming… 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上]深秋-Forest in Late Autumn
[最美的风景在路上] 天池 – Heaven Lake
This is a lake on top of Mount. Changbai. The right sid… 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上] 天池 – Heaven Lake
[最美的风景在路上] 清晨乌镇 Wuzhen in the Morning
Wuzhen is one of the most famous old villages in China.… 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上] 清晨乌镇 Wuzhen in the Morning
[最美的风景在路上]今日晚霞 – Golden Glow
今日晚霞犹如一条巨龙横跨在东方的天空。 Today’s sunset glow looks lik… 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上]今日晚霞 – Golden Glow
[最美的风景在路上] 八大关秋色 – Eight Great Passes
提起八大关,秋色是最为让人印象深刻的。各色的树叶伴着秋风,在一片百年德式建筑围绕中随风飘落。 As for t… 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上] 八大关秋色 – Eight Great Passes
[最美的风景在路上]Red Arrows – 英国红箭飞行表演队
The Red Arrows flying over on the China International A… 继续阅读[最美的风景在路上]Red Arrows – 英国红箭飞行表演队